I am tormented by injustice.....
...by the scores of people killed by drunk drivers and their suffering families who have little or no comeback - whose victim impact statement is censored so as not to upset the killer in court...and by the judges who not only fail to send the killer to jail for more than 3 yrs, but often hand down sentences of home detention for less than 2 years.
...by the 38 NZ children tortured and murdered by their own families in the last five years.
...by the manufacturers putting countless poisons in our food and skin products to save money...and the government that knowingly allows it.
...by the government that allows our babies to be used in drug trials and not only fails to inform parents that the drug only holds an experimental license but starts an advertising campaign implying you're a bad parent if you don't expose your child to that drug.
...by the government who passes laws to protect the investments and trust funds of the MPs while taxing every New Zealander 15% to buy the basic necessities of life.
And that's just in my own backyard.
And I am appalled by the people who continue to spout on about how wonderful the human race is and how what I perceive as the world around me is in reality a reflection of how I really feel about myself. And how whatever happens to people...they must have attracted to themselves.
Could they seriously look a child in the eye, who has lost everything to some petty war over nothing but money and oil and tell them they must have thought their nightmare up and made it happen?
How deluded can people be? Are they blind - do they choose not to see it?
Are they deliberately ignoring the sheer quantity of evil in our world? Which is worse?
And what can we do? I understand that dwelling on these things will make a person ill but I think its wrong to ignore that it happens - it supports it, in my mind. A very dear and wise friend of mine said...that you do what you can but you just have to let the human shit that happens fall away from you. She's right. So for self-preservation and the sanity of my family, I can remember and mourn but I have to look past it and leave things at doing what I can, when I can.
I came across this brilliant quote but I can't remember most of it or who said it....kicking myself for that but never mind. It basically said that if you wanted to change things - to change the world - you had to come up with an alternative that made the current status quo obsolete.
I wonder if thats what religion was intended to do.
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